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Today's Bible Verse

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Total ‘Nother World

The coming of the year 2016 had also begun a new era for me along my life journey; America was heading down the better road, under our new executive administration. Yet the politically radical left continually worked through those four years plus, trying to remove that administration from office, but to no avail. Yet they continued at their shammed scheme, harboring wrong motives for America.

But then they did it, in cheating ways, and had stolen the 2020 election, intent as I’ve heard with ideas to move us toward socialism, Marxism, communism; so wrong for any nation. May it not happen; may we return to our founding—on biblical principles and conservative values, that we may know what it’s truly like to be “one nation under God”

Other nations, having gone through socialism, so warns America not to let it happen to us; such only destroys the freedom and individual rights of the people. I feel America has climbed a slippery slope overlooking the edge of a cliff. Never having been a world traveler, nor having taken an exotic ocean voyage—never having the wealth, hence or any desire to do so—my heart cries for America these days, my mortal native homeland.

And then the worse yet comes, the worldwide CCP Covid pandemic. And, too, the wearing of masks (not so essential in my thinking), the “planet of the apes” had become a reality.

Recalling it all, perhaps in human’s eyes it’s a time when good went bad: Lockdowns, shutdowns happened worldwide; stay at home became the norm; “social distancing” a new term; businesses closed; churches emptied. Yet, in gradually coming back churches still spaced in attendance and seating.

Through all the happenings, since then, particularly since 2016, this world has become a total 'nother[1] world, daily worsening with the ever “breaking news.” And I more realizing the two worlds as predicted I would realize someday—the temporal (mortal) world of humanity and the eternal (immortal) world of the Kingdom of God. 

Since then as well, a strange (maybe weird) sense had been harboring in my mind. More and more these days, hearing/viewing stories of the making up news media, I can’t help but think that this temporal (mortal) world is nearing its end—being “stored up for fire”[2].

The things of this mortal world—other than the ideas of the immortal—do indeed have little or no meaning to me now. And such in particular TV, movies, and sports; I was into such I’m sure too much of my growing-up years.  Even long-distance travel does not appeal to me so much anymore. (The one trip I most desire and look forward to now is my upper taking—individually or corporately—when I will meet Jesus (Yeshua) in the air[3]. What a glorious day that will be!)

Although such stuff—TV, movies, sports, big tech, wealth, possessions, careers, etc—is of man’s initiative it has come about through humanity’s understanding of our omniscient[4] God—the true scientist and the bringer in of all “science” and technology, to be used and enjoyed for our pleasure and God’s glory.

Hence, these days it’s indeed as living in two worlds as if I’m trekking down two roads running parallel to one another. And one lane shows off its wares making it more attractive than the other. Commandeered by the evil one, much of it promotes his schemes and distracts viewers and participants from the truer meaning for our purpose in this mortal time on planet Earth. But what’s the sense of it all, if it’s just to ease one’s manner of living, primarily through his/her later years until their passing, and a making of the way better for the next generation as if there's no end to the physical mortal timeline? (See Proverbs 27:1; Luke 12:18-21; James 4:13-15.)

Having trusted in Jesus, He assures me that I’m the better off traveling down the other road, the everlasting highway, the way to “better living” for all generations—see 2 Corinthians 5:19-21.

A “total ‘nother world”? But it’s of the temporal realm; with eternity’s values in view, how can I think only temporally anymore? Now, until the Lord’s return, may it be my one ambition laboring in prayer and speaking the Truth (John 14:6), that we (and all nations) get back to our founding and be a light bearer and salt spreader of God’s love, grace, and peace, sharing the Good News, anticipating our expectant Hope: Come, Lord Jesus[5] (Adonai Yeshua).

[1] Nonstandard spelling of another (determiner), used to represent speech.

“nother thing just occurred to me”

[2] Consider 2 Peter 3:6-8

[3] 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17

[4] All-knowing; knowing everything

[5] Revelation 22:7-21

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