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Today's Bible Verse

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

I'm Tired


I’m tired…

-         Not just sleepy where a good night’s rest would/should appease the tiredness,

But I’m tired…


-         of these days, of trekking through this mortal time seeing the disruption, corruption,


-         and the filth even of mortal humanity’s seeming unconcern where they throw their trash


-         of mortal humanity’s seemingly breaking the law (with no concern) moreso than ever before.


-         of seeing the living of life simply for this mortal timeline, seemingly, having gone through wars, fires, earthquakes, famines, and such, when all gets straightened out and settled down, all humanity goes back to that “normal” way as if nothing tragic had happened. (Should we not learn from such?)


-         Of these dark days, not of the darkness that routinely/regularly “happens” at sunset, but of the darkness igniting the rise of evil at sunset. (“People  love darkness more than the light…” John 3:19.)


“Que sera sera” (whatever will be will be) the future’s not ours to see…” Maybe not, but we who know the truth, when we see evil coming in to wipe the truth away, shouldn’t we stand up and speak out that it will not happen; keep on the way of the truth. Until our eternal home going, let us live now to proclaim the truth. (See John 14:6.)


Tired of it all. For myself, I have realized the better way of living is for the immortal. I’m ready to see the brilliance of the new day of Christ’s return and the entrance of the Father’s eternal immortal Kingdom, where tiredness will be no more.


21 For to me, living means living for Christ, and dying is even better,” 

Philippians 1:21.

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