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Today's Bible Verse

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Prayer of My Heart: Come, Lord Jesus

Daniel 2:21-22 (NLT)

21 [God] controls the course of world events;
    he removes kings and sets up other kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise
    and knowledge to the scholars.
22 He reveals deep and mysterious things
    and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
    though he is surrounded by light.


The prayer of my heart through these most unnatural fearful and changing times, since 2016 (and maybe even since the coming of my unemployment in 7/11/2008), seems to be as the apostle John expressed it recorded at Revelation 22:20, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Reflecting upon Revelation 21:1-8, I can only try to imagine that greater day in history—no greater joy will there be then that day of Jesus’ return, when everything will be made new. 


Until then considering history’s timeline, God’s Word so declares, recorded at Esther 4:14, that God brought Esther, a Jew, into her position for “such a time as [her day].” Queen, when Xerxes was king of the Medo-Persian empire, Esther was not fearful to go before the king to save her people. “If I perish, I perish,” she said. (Consider Esther 4:16.)


As well, as I have read in Isaiah 45 (see also Ezra 1:1-4), that God “anointed” pagan King Cyrus of Persia to “allow God’s city, Jerusalem, to be rebuilt, and he would set the exiles free without expecting anything in return,” so notes the Life Application Study Bible on Isaiah 45:1-8.  So I believe I can see God’s “managing” of America’s 2016 presidential election (to the surprise of us all, the news media, and even the other side) in bringing God’s “anointed” one into the White House for such a time as this day.


Since 2016, thanks to America’s newly elected president, evil deeds have been exposed, and continues so, of plans long in the making, I believe, to attempt to tear down America, my mortal native homeland. To make it something else, other than what our founding fathers have intended it to be, established upon biblical principles.


Then, in these changing times of 2020, comes a pandemic—an outbreak of a disease—spreading a virus throughout the world, causing illnesses and the deaths of many people. And then violence (more disastrous in my thinking), anarchism and chaos rampaging throughout America’s city streets causing anxiety, despair, and fear in the hearts of many (and can I say “majority”) of America’s worthy citizens.


Oh, in my lifetime never before have I seen anything so horrendous. No wonder, in realizing the greater reality that there is more to life than this mortal time, the prayer of my heart is “Come, Lord Jesus.”


In getting through these horrendous days, may it not be a return to living our lives as if those past events had not happened; I cannot see how we can live now as if they hadn’t. (Most impressive in my mind, the end of this mortal time is nearer than ever before.) May we realize the “new thing” (consider Isaiah 43:19) God wishes to do through us through this continuing temporal reality.


And so I pray, as was begun (in 2016) in turning America back to the right, according to our founding fathers' ideals, may it so continue. To show us all worldwide of America’s true founding, that we for a time will know what it’s truly like to be “one nation under God.”


Revive Your Church, heavenly Father, throughout this land (and the world) to a greater revival then what has ever been seen in history—Your story. And may we realize to a greater extent, our gathering in our local fellowships/congregations (of which there are many of the body/bride of Christ), that we gather to go (not merely to gather) to take the Good News of Your love, grace, and mercy to all the peoples of the earth—across the street, around the town, throughout the world—until our eternal homegoing individually or corporately. It is only in You, Lord Jesus (Adonai Yeshua), You the greatest revivalist, restorer, sustainer, and healer. In Your precious name, I pray, Amen.


The apostle Paul has written, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity,” 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

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