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Being so blessed by God, the Almighty three-in-one creator, to share Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah), prayerfully, this blog is a self-employed effort for God's glory, aim to bless, challenge, and encourage readers of these posts to share Jesus, the way, the truth, and life. Only should the Lord so lead, readers can support this endeavor by clicking PayPal. Thank you.

Today's Bible Verse

Friday, July 24, 2020

My Life Story:


Two Worlds (realities) Crossed My Path


As I share my story be sure not to set your ears ready to hear of a messed-up life. That is, personalizing a familiar phrase of yesteryear:

“I never drank, smoked, nor chewed since a kid, Nor ran around with those who did." Thanks to my church-going upbringing, And my shyness even, Under emotional stress that may on me may press,

I give praise to Jesus—He keeps me singing.

I believe my story would not be aired on the Unshackled radio program. I lived a "good" life through the years, not a raunchy lifestyle. I don't even recall ever uttering a foul word. The worse I ever said, I believe… ah, um, was that word people would say when their dog got lost. But then, a mentor shared with me that word is a minced oath[i] at taking God’s name in vain; I never said it since.

Later, I learned that such a "good" life doesn't make one good before God. Since Genesis chapter 3, as was all humanity, I too was born a sinner, and in need of Jesus (Yeshua), our help in this temporal time and our only hope for our eternal future[ii].

Perhaps my story can be summed up as Psalm 40:2-3 (NASB) reads, personalizing, "[God] brought me [too] up out of the pit of destruction, out of the miry clay, [out of my own good life]. And He set my feet upon a rock, making my footsteps firm. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God…"

And so I share my story in three parts: (1) My Formative Pleasurable Years, (2) My Misstepped Years, and (3) My Transformative Years.


My Formative Pleasurable Years: Birth thru the Eighth Grade

I was first born in Toledo, Ohio. And God has known all about me—my steps along my earthly way, even my missteps[iii].

I’m the youngest of four. (I have a brother, a sister, and a second brother). I don’t know too much of Toledo, as I was very young when the family moved east of Toledo to a rural area south of Cleveland and west of Akron—to the village of Chippewa Lake in Medina County.

I was quiet (a shy guy) through the years, speaking not much to anybody.

In my youth, perhaps too much of my time was spent watching television. A shy guy, perhaps my TV viewing could have been considered my "security blanket.”  (In today’s time, perhaps with some it could be likened to the internet, social media, or that smartphone.) In considering it now, however, much of my time, spent in front of the television, was my first misstep.

My siblings and I were blessed to have been born to parents who took us to church and Sunday school every week. We attended a Nazarene Church primarily. Going to church, we learned of the Bible and Jesus all our lives.

And then at an amusement park—Chippewa Lake Park, as it was called—within walking distance from where we lived, I met a Native American who in noticing the "double crown" (hair swirls) on my head with which I was born, predicted that I would see two worlds someday. I didn't give too much thought to that prediction through the years if it met anything. For some reason, I guess God wanted me to hear it anyway, and in His time, I had realized it again in my coming to an understanding of it all—a realization of the two realities: the temporal and the eternal.

Our church occasionally would have what was called "Revival Meetings." At such meetings, I recall hearing sermons of the world coming to an end. My young mind could not imagine such a thing. The world coming to an end—what would happen to all the trees, the tall buildings, and especially Disneyland[iv]?


My Misstepped Years: the Ninth Grade thru Lackland AFB

I did reasonably well through school, for the most part, but then into high school, came my second misstep: I had to repeat the ninth grade. For one, my failing the ninth grade was due to my introverted temperament—my shyness.

On through high school, but I never determined what I wanted to do after I graduated.

My dad passed away when I was a junior in high school.

My senior year, and graduation, and then what? My Uncle Sam had that all figured out. I received a letter from Selective Service ordering me to report for my armed forces physical exam. Afterward, I contacted my friendly Air Force recruiter; one of my brothers was in the Navy, the other was in the Army Reserve, I wanted something different, and not the Marines.

Shortly after my physical exam, I received my draft notice to be inducted into the armed forces. And so, it was off to Air Force basic training at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas—my introverted temperament followed me there as well. And also, there came my third misstep—I was set back to an earlier flight in basic training.

But a meningitis epidemic had broken out, and that returned me to my original unit and quarantined us. Having been set back and returned, I missed much of the activities of basic training. My flight even had to wait until the chow hall emptied of other units before we could go in and enjoy our meals.

The epidemic finally cleared; we were then personnel awaiting tech school. I was assigned to police tech school. But also came my fourth misstep—I was "kicked out" of that school. After waiting again for my next assignment, it came—ground transportation at Patrick Air Force Base, Florida.


My Transformative Years: Patrick AFB to the Present

There at Patrick, I consider my spiritual birthplace. Thanks to my church-going upbringing (for which I’m grateful) and my shyness even, I wasn’t a carouser—sticking pretty much to myself much of my life.

My second brother, who was in the Navy, had contact with a ministry called the Navigators. He had book one of their Bible study series—Studies in Christian Living—sent to me. A study on the person of Jesus. At the end of that study was an invitation to receive Jesus; I read, signed, and dated the invitation. I consider that my "second birth”[v]. I continued that series on my own alone in my barracks room. I continued attending base chapel services as well.

Some months later a Navigator representative moved into the area to begin a ministry among those stationed at Patrick. My name on the Nav mailing list he looked me up. We met in a cafeteria on base. He shared with me the Steps to Peace with God by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. And again, I prayed the invitation gaining me assurance of my salvation.[vi]

For the remainder of my time in the military, I was involved with the Navigators—my then caring group—receiving help in my new/real life of faith, primarily through Bible study, prayer, and Scripture memory.

My first Navigator conference was an international happening, held over a Thanksgiving weekend, 1968, in Estes Park, Colorado—the "Whing Ding" as it was called. At the closing of the last message of the conference, the speaker gave an invitation to answer the call as Isaiah did, "Here I am! Send me,” Isaiah 6:8. I stood with several others in so responding. I had no idea then all that would mean.

Having received word from Uncle Sam that I could get out of the Air Force eight months early, I considered it. I could have re-upped, but I decided to get out. Having done so, I stayed in Florida for another year or so, still in fellowship with the Navigators. (I did have a cool job for a time—hmm, working for an icehouse along U.S. Highway 1 in Melbourne, Florida.)

In a room where I was then living, I recall a significant time in the Word one evening. Laying on the floor, I was reading from the book of Exodus. At Exodus 4:10-12[vii]God got my attention about my shyness in speech, as He had with Moses at the burning bush.

Shortly after my discharge from the Air Force, and two semesters at the then Brevard Junior College[viii], the Nav rep suggested that I apply to a Bible college[ix] in Columbia, South Carolina.  Three of us in the Nav fellowship visited the campus. We all three applied, but only one other, and I was accepted. 

And I realized why the Lord kept me in the military—for one, my expenses through Bible college were met via the G.I. bill.  I don't know how I could have afforded college otherwise— I hadn’t been raised in a “well-to-do” family.

The summer before the start of my freshman year of college, I was home in Ohio with my mom and sister; I did have a job to put away money for the start of school. In the summer of my sophomore year, I served a few weeks with the Missions to Military Servicemen’s Christian Center in Norfolk, Virginia. I worked at temp employment during the day and served with the servicemen’s center each evening; that was my home that summer as well.

During the year-end break of my junior year of college, I attended InterVarsity’s Urbana Conference, at the University of Illinois. Returning to school in January to continue my junior year, I learned of my mom's illness. I took some weeks off from school and returned home and visited her; she was in the hospital with leukemia. She had passed away a few days later.

After I graduated from Bible college in 1974, the Lord provided work for me with an office supply company in delivery and shipping. Going about that job, I was conscious of peoples' facesmy mind wondering if they knew Jesus.

My job had me in and out of offices making deliveries. As I exited one office one day, for some reason, my eye caught a plaque on a wall. It displayed a quote by Oliver Wendall Holmes that's been "forever" etched in my memory. It read, “Man’s mind stretched to a new idea will never return to its original dimension.” I have realized: my going-to-church upbringing, meeting the Navigators, and then on to Bible college, that my mind indeed has been stretched to the "new idea" of the immortal world—the eternal reality.

I was a candidate with International Missions[x] then in Wayne, New Jersey. From that experience, I had learned of Open Air Campaigners’ means of relating Bible stories via sketch board drawing. I had the opportunity to do such myself, sharing the story of blind Bartimaeus[xi] to neighborhood kids.

A few years later, I ventured out west to Pasadena, California, where I joined the then US Center for World Mission[xii]. There, I was pleasantly surprised to work as a staff writer for the Global Prayer Digest[xiii] , writing short vignettes focused on unreached people. That work helped me in developing my writing skills. On little support, however, I left that job after about five years. Still in Pasadena, the Lord provided paid employment with William Carey Library Publishers[xiv]. I continued there for about ten years. Those 15 years out west, having been employed in Kingdom work, possibly I can consider that my "career" through this temporal time.



From Ohio, God brought me out of my old life (a wilderness without Jesus), and roundabout my transient life, with thanks to the Navigators, God brought me to Columbia, South Carolina, particularly to Bible college where my life has been transformed, and continue so yet through these days. Perhaps I can consider my coming to Bible college my mortal “Promised Land,” and thus my continuing in Columbia through this temporal time. (Columbia has been my home since the summer of '73.)  But then came my fifth misstepmy hasty move back to Ohio. Perhaps as the prophet Jonah, so for me, I’d considered those days back in Ohio had been as eight months in a fish belly. (The story of Jonah has been in my heart, for some reason, ever since a message I've heard when I was in Bible college.)

The coming of my unemployment (07/11/2008) I believe has been the "defining moment" of my life; the Lord had turned my focus more on the realization of the "greater cause.” And less on the things of this temporal time[xv]. I have realized that I had seen two worlds (two realities), as that Native American in my youth predicted I would see.  Apart from the things of God, everything else here in this time has little or no meaning to me now, particularly my TV viewing, the Hollywood craves, and sports fanaticism.

Here now, until my eternal home-going, continuing my trek along this temporal way, I desire my life to be that of a light-bearer and salt-spreader of God’s eternal truth[xvi]I having been spewed out of that “fish belly”[xvii]

Any other money-making job should the Lord yet have for me in this temporal time, I pray that I won’t get hooked again that it’s primarily for the making of money—the supplying of my livelihood, even the fattening of a financial portfolio. As any job or career should be, for the Christ-follower, as God's provision to enable us to carry on the more real work for this time, in so realizing God, our Provider, and that’s the greater pleasure in this temporal time.[xviii]

How that greater pleasure is to be, particularly now through these most unnatural changing times. The prayer of my heart these days seems to be, since 2016 (and maybe even since the coming of my unemployment), as the apostle John expressed it recorded at Revelation 22:20, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Reflecting upon Revelation 21:1-8, I can only try to imagine that greater day in history—no greater joy will there be than that day of Jesus’ return when everything will be made new.

And so, I cannot see now how I can live my life as I had done through my pleasurable youth years, without regard for the immortal. (See Colossians 3:1-3.)

As 1 John 2:16-17 (ESL) reads, “For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride of life [or pride of possessions]—is not from the Father but is from the world. 17 And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

I had noticed a book titled Your Best Life Now. Reflecting on that title. it occurred to me that in Jesus it’s the better life now until our eternal home-going (our upper taking) and then it’s the best life forever. And thus, I composed the following poem: 

Discover for yourself the Steps to Peace with God

[i]A minced oath is a euphemistic expression formed by deliberately misspelling, mispronouncing, or replacing a part of a profane, blasphemous, or taboo word or phrase to reduce the original term's objectionable characteristics,” Wikipedia

[ii] See Romans 3:9-23; Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3) John 3:16-17; 14:6

[iii] See Psalm:139:16

[iv] Disneyland was a fun time in the years of its founding—the Walt Disney show, Disney movies, the Mickey Mouse Club—but with the changing of times and my heart, too, brought a new thinking to the purpose of it all.

[v] See John 3:3

[vi] See John 1:12-13; 1 John 5:11-12

[vii] See also Jeremiah 1:7-8; James 1:19; 2 Corinthians 12:9

[xi] See Mark 10:46-47

[xiii] Now a part of Joshua Project

[xiv] Now William Carey Publishing—publishing books on Christian missions

[xv] See Acts 20:24

[xvi] See Matthew 5:13-16

[xvii] See Jonah 3:1-4

[xviii] See Matthew 6:25-34; cf. Luke 12:22-34

Monday, July 20, 2020

A Prayer of My Heart: Come, Lord Jesus

Daniel 2:21-22 (NLT)

21 [God] controls the course of world events;
    he removes kings and sets up other kings.
He gives wisdom to the wise
    and knowledge to the scholars.
22 He reveals deep and mysterious things
    and knows what lies hidden in darkness,
    though he is surrounded by light.


The prayer of my heart through these most unnatural fearful and changing times, since 2016 (and maybe even since the coming of my unemployment in 7/11/2008), seems to be as the apostle John expressed it recorded at Revelation 22:20, “Come, Lord Jesus.” Reflecting upon Revelation 21:1-8, I can only try to imagine that greater day in history—no greater joy will there be then that day of Jesus’ return, when everything will be made new. 


Until then considering history’s timeline, God’s Word so declares, recorded at Esther 4:14, that God brought Esther, a Jew, into her position for “such a time as [her day].” Queen, when Xerxes was king of the Medo-Persian empire, Esther was not fearful to go before the king to save her people. “If I perish, I perish,” she said. (Consider Esther 4:16.)


As well, as I have read in Isaiah 45 (see also Ezra 1:1-4), that God “anointed” pagan King Cyrus of Persia to “allow God’s city, Jerusalem, to be rebuilt, and he would set the exiles free without expecting anything in return,” so notes the Life Application Study Bible on Isaiah 45:1-8.  So I believe I can see God’s “managing” of America’s 2016 presidential election (to the surprise of us all, the news media, and even the other side) in bringing God’s “anointed” one into the White House for such a time as this day.


Since 2016, thanks to America’s newly elected president, evil deeds have been exposed, and continues so, of plans long in the making, I believe, to attempt to tear down America, my mortal native homeland. To make it something else, other than what our founding fathers have intended it to be, established upon biblical principles.


Then, in these changing times of 2020, comes a pandemic—an outbreak of a disease—spreading a virus throughout the world, causing illnesses and the deaths of many people. And then violence (more disastrous in my thinking), anarchism and chaos rampaging throughout America’s city streets causing anxiety, despair, and fear in the hearts of many (and can I say “majority”) of America’s worthy citizens.


Oh, in my lifetime never before have I seen anything so horrendous. No wonder, in realizing the greater reality that there is more to life than this mortal time, the prayer of my heart is “Come, Lord Jesus.”


In getting through these horrendous days, may it not be a return to living our lives as if those past events had not happened; I cannot see how we can live now as if they hadn’t. (Most impressive in my mind, the end of this mortal time is nearer than ever before.) May we realize the “new thing” (consider Isaiah 43:19) God wishes to do through us through this continuing temporal reality.


And so I pray, as was begun (in 2016) in turning America back to the right, according to our founding fathers' ideals, may it so continue. To show us all worldwide of America’s true founding, that we for a time will know what it’s truly like to be “one nation under God.”


Revive Your Church, heavenly Father, throughout this land (and the world) to a greater revival then what has ever been seen in history—Your story. And may we realize to a greater extent, our gathering in our local fellowships/congregations (of which there are many of the body/bride of Christ), that we gather to go (not merely to gather) to take the Good News of Your love, grace, and mercy to all the peoples of the earth—across the street, around the town, throughout the world—until our eternal homegoing individually or corporately. It is only in You, Lord Jesus (Adonai Yeshua), You the greatest revivalist, restorer, sustainer, and healer. In Your precious name, I pray, Amen.


The apostle Paul has written, “I urge you, first of all, to pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity,” 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Restored to Follow

Previous, see Genesis chapter 20: Abraham, living in a land not his own, fears for his life. “Lest they kill me for you,” Abraham said to his wife Sarah, “say you are my sister.”

Abimelech does take Sarah for himself but commits nothing immoral with her since God has given him a warning in a dream. So even though Abimelech is not a believer, God protects him from sinning (and of course protects Sarah as well).

Giving Abraham many gifts, and returning Sarah to Abraham, Abimelech sends them away, saying, “Let this compensate you for any wrong I may have done to you,” (Genesis 20:16.) Note, though, that Abraham also did wrong. (Should he have lied and deceived to save his own skin?) Abraham prays to God on behalf of Abimelech; God restores Abimelech and his household.

Now (Genesis 21:22-34), Abimelech visits Abraham again. “It’s obvious God is with you,” he says to Abraham, “Helping you in everything you do. Will you promise me that you will never deceive me, or my descendants? Be loyal to me and this country where you are living as a stranger.”

After settling a complaint Abraham held against Abimelech about a well that Abraham had dug (Genesis 21:24), the two agree together. They settle their differences, agreeing at the well-named Beersheba, “well of the oath".

Abraham had lived for a long time a foreigner in the country of the Philistines. Yet to come: Abraham is about to face his ultimate test…

Fast-forwarding now to the New Testament era, when God walked the earth in the person of Jesus, the Son. He, too, was a stranger in the world, even that which He created. (See John 1:10-11.)  Even his own people rejected Him. (See Isaiah 53:3.) All who do accept Him, however, by God’s marvelous grace and love are born again into His family. (See John 1:12, 13; John 3:16; Ephesians 2:8-9.) God calls them to share with the world the wondrous story. (See Matthew 4:18-19; Acts 1:8; Isaiah 6:8-9.)

Peter is one of those disciples, called – with his brother Andrew – out of his livelihood to become “fishers of men,” (Matthew 4:19-20.) Though denying three times that he ever knew Jesus, he repents; Jesus restores him – three times – and predicts how he will die. (See John 21:15-19.)

And so, in the Bible book that bears his name, Peter admonishes and warns, [We, too,] as ‘temporary residents and foreigners’ [in this world should] keep away from worldly desires … [And] be careful to live properly among [our] unbelieving neighbors. Then even if they accuse [us] of doing wrong, they will see [our] honorable behavior, and they will give honor to God when he judges the world…” (1 Peter 2:11-12.)

And as Jesus has called the twelve, so He calls us as strangers in this world, “Follow me.” Answering the call, we can be assured that

He will lead us all the way;
He will teach us what to say.
(See Exodus 4:11-12.)

Fast-forwarding now to the 18/19th Century we meet Henry Martyn – “pioneer missionary to Muslims.” Previous: Born in Cornwall, England, in 1781. Graduated with top honors from Cambridge. Turned from God in his youth. But the death of his father, plus the influence of family, friends, and the writings of David Brainerd transformed him spiritually; and gave him a vision for Christ’s Kingdom work on earth.

Continuing: In his desire to glorify God, Martyn set out to practice self-denial. Also, celibacy, seeing how the single life offered greater opportunities for “heavenly-mindedness.” (See Colossians 3:1-4.) Later, however, he found himself distracted by affection for Lydia Grenfell, his cousin’s sister-in-law, six years older than him. But, convinced he can serve God most effectively unmarried (See 1 Corinthians 7:32.), he bids farewell to Lydia (though he will keep in touch by letters), and sails for India.

A deep confidence in Scripture, translating the New Testament is Martyn’s passion. But he is not unhindered by hostility (the evil one continually working to disrupt Christ’s Kingdom work on earth). Of such Martyn writes, “I wish a spirit of inquiry may be excited, but I lay not much stress upon clear arguments. The work of God is seldom wrought this way.”

Finally, frail in health he seeks rest and recuperation. At this time, he hopes to renew his relationship with Lydia. But before that can happen, he dies in Asia Minor, "a stranger in a strange land", in 1812. Upon his first arrival in India, Martyn had written, Now let me burn out for God.”

“… We are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus [restored to follow] so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago” (Ephesians 2:10.)

Coming next month Tested and Tried