A self-employed endeavor...

Being so blessed by God, the Almighty three-in-one creator, to share Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah), prayerfully, this blog is a self-employed effort for God's glory, aim to bless, challenge, and encourage readers of these posts to share Jesus, the way, the truth, and life. Only should the Lord so lead, readers can support this endeavor by clicking PayPal. Thank you.

Today's Bible Verse

Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Cups of Courage

“The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them.

Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Fear the Lord, you, his holy people, for those who fear him lack nothing,” 
Psalm 34:7-9.

Pictured at the left is a favorite Christmas gift I received from a niece (my youngest, Annabelle, a student at Grace College; she also writes a blog What Life Really Is). With that gift, I also received an inspiration, something I think God may have put in my heart. The cup reads, "Strong & Courageous," stating the Bible reference:

Joshua 1:9
“… Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you 
wherever you go.” 

These snippets as shared below are encouragements and challenges, which God, the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Messiah), has shared with me for my walk of faith through these turbulent times, and thus may be to others as well.

First Cup of Courage
Upon rising each morning, I voice a prayer, "Good morning heavenly Father, precious Lord Jesus, sweet Holy Spirit. Here it is yet another first day of the rest of my physical existence. So left here to be a salt spreader and a light bearer of Your eternal truth through these turbulent times. In so being, "May the words of my mouth and the meditations of heart be acceptable in Your sight" (Psalm 19:14). Likewise, the works of my hands, the steps of my feet, the hearing of my ears, and the seeing of my eyes, as I go about my day in sharing Jesus attentive to the Holy Spirit's leading. That’s the real purpose of my physical existence more so than merely going after material wealth and temporal possessions. 

Second Cup of Courage

As we come to the end of another calendar year also comes those resolutions. Whether or not we keep such perhaps depends upon the discipline of the individual. As a Christ-follower, at this time of year, a hymn that was written by Palmer Hartsough always comes afresh to my mind. The first verse of five reads, "I am resolved no longer to linger, Charmed by the world's delight; Things that are higher, things that are nobler—these have allured my sight." From the Bible consider Colossians 3:2"Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things."

Third Cup of Courage

And so, the calendar says it's the end of another year; what follows is not for us to see or know. Time is continuous until God says no more, and then it becomes eternity. Whatever we do now will it merely count for this time alone, or for eternity? As the apostle James puts it, "How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it's here a little while, then it's gone. What you ought to say is, ‘If the Lord wants us to, we will live and do this or that.' Otherwise, you are boasting about your own pretentious plans, and all such boasting is evil," James 4:14-16 (NLT). Consider also Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Hence, whatever is done or said, may it be for the glory of God.

Fourth Cup of Courage

It was my defining moment losing my job, the company closing its doors. A time, after a time, when the Lord set me straight: that a job/career should not be something merely to pad a financial portfolio to enable one to take his/her ease and gallivant the lands and seas; surely there's a higher purpose. And that of the Hollywood craves, and sports, movies, and TV, as such were my fantasies.  Instead, let me consider a job as God's provision of support laboring for His Kingdom here on earth. Hence, as the apostle Paul defines it, "I once thought these things were valuable, but now I consider them worthless because of what Christ has done," Philippians 3:7, NLT.

Fifth Cup of Courage

Blessed to bless. Having finished my meal at Cracker Barrel, it was time to pay the bill. Having a Cracker Barrel gift card, paying the bill was an easy thing to do. Before doing so, however, in recognizing there would be a balance, I searched the store to see if there was something else I could buy – something more practical – other than food.

Finding nothing other than a Chunky Bar, I took one of those and proceeded to pay my bill.

"You have $8.23 remaining on the card," said the cashier. "Should I write that on your receipt?" she asked as she proceeded to do so.

"No," I said, "use that remaining balance toward the next customer's bill?"

"Are you sure?" the cashier asked.

"Yes," I said, and then added, "Anonymous."

Anonymous, I thought upon exiting the store. Of course, since I hadn't an idea who the next customer would be; and they didn't know me. Nevertheless, I found myself whispering a brief prayer that the person/s whom I believe I would bless with my blessing would come to know Jesus – the greater blessing indeed.

Sixth Cup of Courage

A Bedtime Prayer:
Now I lay me down to sleep,
I know the Lord my soul will keep.
But should I pass before I wake,
I know the Lord my soul will take.

Having trusted in Jesus, I and all who have done so,
Have received His John 3:16 promise: Life is forever.
One's choice now determines the where.
And Jesus is the only reason for living in this time:
This Good News we're to share.

Seventh Cup of Courage

How depressing and distasteful it can be wading through the murky, stagnant sea of this corrupt, dark world, which has been deteriorating, as recorded in the Bible, since Genesis chapter three.  But having recognized the real world – the forever one – the wading can be done with joy and gladness, knowing Jesus, the Christ (Messiah); He has gone before us and yet walking with us, guiding and protecting us all the way. Hence, realizing His presence, we also recognize a higher more purposeful ambition and call. That of sharing the Good News of Jesus, under the direction of the Almighty Three-in-One, to rescue people from the deterioration that is to come, that they may live their life anew in God's Kingdom of everlasting light, peace, and harmony.

Eighth Cup of Courage

Leviticus 25:8-13 gives instructions for the year of jubilee the Israelites were to observe.
The Life Application Study Bible notes, “The Year of Jubilee was meant to be celebrated every 50 years. It included canceling all debts, freeing all slaves, and returning to its original owners all land that had been sold. There is no indication in the Bible that the Year of Jubilee was ever carried out. If Israel had followed this practice faithfully, they would have been a society without permanent poverty.”

The Jesus-centered Bible notes, “Through the Year of Jubilee, God asks his people to risk their lives to trust him. Jesus does the same thing by asking his followers to trust him with the basics of life because they know he loves them (Matthew 6:25-34).”

Saturday, January 1, 2022

Taste and see that the LORD is good

My Lemonade Stand

“When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade." Perhaps we could say the same about “sour grapes,” or “sour apples” – we’re to make grape juice, or apple juice, a better taste. 

Biblically speaking, as well, we read how God had brought everything into being, at His spoken command, and all was very good. But then comes Genesis chapter three (see Our Daily Bread for 06/22/2019), and along comes Satan and sours it all, through his deceptive crafty and cunning ways. He may make it look pleasing to the eye at the start, but in the final end, it’s nothing good.

But God (Elohim) – the Almighty Three-in-One Creator – worked His plan of restoration, refinishing, restoring, and renewing. He did it by becoming one of us in the person of Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah). He did so to show us the real more purposeful way to live, through His death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb where He was buried. (See 1 Corinthians 15:5-6.) He ascended back to His Father from where in the fulfillment of the days He will come to earth again to reign forever as King of all kings. (See John 14:1-7.)

It’s all recorded in God’s Word the Holy Bible. Satan may have given the world lemons, but God has taken those lemons and made lemonade – a better taste, a better way of living. 

I, for one, have tasted of His lemonade, receiving Jesus (Yeshua) into my life as my Savior and Lord. (See John 1:12-13.) And so, desiring to share this better way of living with others, perhaps as a child would do in his front yard, I have established my own lemonade stand sharing posts of good taste for Christ's cause

“Oh, taste and see that the 

To read my testimony go to My Story: Two Worlds Crossed My Path

Wednesday, December 1, 2021

A Greater Cause

My Compelling Ambition

There's no hurry with God. He's never late he's never behind. He's always on time.

Even in the lateness of time, humanly thinking, it’s never too late for God to still work his plan for His people, however as he so wills that to be, until our upward taking. 

With me, oral communication not particularly my expertise, I began "blogging," as a means of expressing my faith in the Lord Jesus (Adonai Yeshua) through writing – my work for God’s Kingdom on earth while watching for the King’s return.

My prayer: that God will touch other peoples' lives, with the love of Jesus, as he has touched mine through my transient life experiences; that they may realize as well his global purpose and plan for them.

My writing ambition is rooted in a challenge with which I was impressed via the third verse of a favorite hymn as quoted below. Maybe other Christ-followers as well with a writing ambition will likewise accept the challenge for Christ’s cause:

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade;
To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry;
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

And so my continual prayer is that my writings – as well as my talk and my walk – would indeed reflect the love of God for all peoples. A more worthy goal, I believe, more so than laboring merely for the fattening of a financial portfolio that would enable one to enjoy a leisurely lifestyle in those “golden years” (see Luke 12:18-21).

Nothing holds my attention more in this physical realm these days than the things of God. Everything else here temporally – every other temporal ambition – can become mere distractions from the cause of Christ. Those laboring in his cause on planet Earth, as God has promised, have realized that he is their provider, sustainer, and enabler (see Matthew 6:25-32)

"Seek the Kingdom of above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need," (Matthew 6:33.)

Monday, November 1, 2021

Managing Our Desires

Noticing that tree there in the Garden, she observed the fruit sprouting from it certainly did look good enough to eat. Being so pleasing to her eyes, she plucked a sample from the tree and bit into it.
“Hmm, it is good and juicy,” she beamed. She then gave it to the one who was with her; that one with her ate it too.
All of a sudden where once there was no shame, now they were both humiliated. The couples' design was once a beautiful thing, as their Maker remarked, “Behold, it is all excellent in every way.” Now that thing of beauty had turned into something of ugliness, because of that pair together partaking of their desires, despite their Maker’s warning that they should not do so.
They “sinned.” They desired to have something though told it was wrong for them to have; they took it anyway.
Just as a child hides from his/her parents when s/he does wrong, that pair also had disappeared from their Maker, shamed in yielding to their desires at the deceptive snare of the evil one. Their Maker found them out anyway; nothing and no one can hide from Him.
He knew when they did wrong, and it so grieved Him. And yet He had to punish them. As a parent may take away their child’s favorite toy in punishment, so God takes away that which He gave them to enjoy. Just as a parent disciplines his/her child, so God’s discipline did not come out of hatred, but out of love.
God so demonstrated His love for that first couple way back then, long, long ago by providing a covering for their nakedness – so much better than what they could ever afford for themselves (see Genesis 3:7, 21).
Since then, we today now know good and evil; the whole world now suffers for what they have done then in yielding to their desires.
Should we desire for anything less than God’s love, His care for us? He is eternal; He promises to supply all our needs, much better than what we can do for ourselves. Why then should we desire the things of this world – the merely temporal?
“Do not love this world,” God says, “or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, [God’s] love is not in him. For everything in the world – the cravings of sinful man, the lust of the eyes and his pride in possessions – comes not from [God] but from the world” (see 1 John 2:15-17.)
The psalmist has written, “As I delight myself in You LORD, You will give me the desires of my heart” (Psalm 37:4). 

May my delight be first in the LORD, that my desires may 
be held captive to His will.

This may also be viewed on Hub Pages

Friday, October 1, 2021

The Unfaithful Son

A short story by Charles Newcombe

"For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and forfeit his soul?
 For what can a man give in return for his soul?" Mark 5:36-37

Life on a silver platter

There was a particularly productive man of great wealth; he earned it all from scratch – etching out a living for himself, his wife, his son, and their health. He built his own business and prospered in it. Possible it was then for his family to have everything they could ever want. He was generous, too, in giving it away to others – not hoarding it, but feeding the homeless, the poor, the needy.
His young son, however, was not the definition of the cliché “like father, like son;” perhaps the fault of having been handed everything on a “silver platter” – to be gobbled up with “silver spoons.” How he hated the chores his parents labored him with through his childhood, not realizing then all was for his good.
“Having it all,” he expressed to himself one day in early adulthood, “No need for me to work – such being boring anyway. I can just take my ease now, and eat, drink, and make merry.
Tall, dark, and handsome, his features were, boldly expressing every girl’s dream man, enabling him to wine and dine with the pretty women, anyone he so desired.
“Life is great now,” he thought, lounging in the hammock, sipping a cold refreshing drink on a hot summer day.

Gone with wealth

By and by his father took ill, an unrecoverable illness. At the graveside, family and friends mourned the aged man’s passing.
“What would become of my father’s wealth now,” the son’s thought ringing through his mind, his frowning face sprouting a worried concern? “I’m the only heir,” he then realized. “I guess it’s all mine now, mom having passed away a year ago, and neither, like me, have had any siblings.” Ah, his inner countenance gleamed.

At the reading of the will, however, a rude awakening (in the son's mind) he had experienced. “Give it all to charity,” the attorney read. Handing an envelope to the son, the attorney read on, “To my son, this one manila envelope.”
With a puzzled glee, the son took it. Finishing with the attorney, he exited the office. Standing on the street corner outside that tall building, he speedily tore open the envelope; inside one slip of paper was found. Not liking what he read, however, he crumpled it up, stuffed it in his jacket pocket and down the road he trekked, head hung low.
Angered, saddened, the son walked on home, crossing the street. “I can’t afford a bus fare,” he said to himself. “I have nothing, nada, zilch; my father thought of me as such.”

Realizing the true riches

Beep, beep; honk, honk; screech, crash. Whirr-r, the ambulance rushed hurriedly the son – crushed, bruised, and beaten – to the nearest hospital.

“God has certainly been with you, young man,” the attending physician spoke to the now awakened yet still hurting son. “You could have died.”
“Maybe I should have,” the son groaned, lying there on that hospital bed still experiencing the pain.
“You must not say that,” the physician responded. “Your time here apparently is not yet finished. God cares for you, and evidently still has a purpose for you here.”
“God?” the son asked, “Cares for me? Um, that’s more than I can say for my father.”
“Ah, I’m sure your earthly father has cared for you more than you realize,” the physician said. “But trust God,” he went on. “He cares for you more than you can ever imagine. Keeping you alive now, after what you have gone through, He must want to give you a second chance.”
“A second chance, with nothing, and for what? Yeah, right. You should have let me die.”
“We’re here in this hospital,” the physician responded, “to save lives not take lives. We’re to make you well that you may move on. Here, young man,” the physician concluded, handing the son a crumpled up piece of paper.”
“What’s that?”
“The wrinkled note found in your jacket pocket.”
“Oh,” the son said, taking the paper. Opening it up, he stared.
“Read it out loud, please,” the physician said. “Curious myself, I read it. But I would like to hear it from your lips.”
The son read those words, what his father had shared with him so many years ago, “ ‘One who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much, and one who is dishonest in a very little is also dishonest in much. If then you have not been faithful in the unrighteous wealth, who will entrust to you the true riches?’ Luke 16:10-11
“Okay, so what. That’s what my father thinks of me. He died but left me no inheritance. I’m broke, busted. No more fun. Just let me die, please.”
“Think about it,” the doctor challenged, “and how you can become that faithful person your father, and God would have you to be. In Him, the real ‘fun’ has just begun, son.”

This story is also shared on Hub Pages

Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Perils on the Prairie

Courageous Adventurers

Outer space, the last vast plain to conquer, to "boldly go where no one has gone before." In the past ages, it was the sea; many ambitious ones' today are still excited to explore the ocean depths. In earlier times, the African continent was considered the "last frontier."

All around the world – from the ocean depths to the depths of outer space – dangers await those spirited enough who dare to answer the call to "explore strange new worlds." If they had not expressed their zeal, their enthusiasm, and excitement – if they were not willing to risk their lives, stretching out their environment to the regions beyond, then how would progress and conquest and courage be defined: complacent?

Christopher Columbus, too, answered the call in his day. Paying little attention perhaps to any laughter or ridicule of others that might have been, he set out and proved that the world was not flat. If it were not for such as him of his courage, would we have known of the western hemisphere? He was one who ignited the flame of adventure and travels new frontiers.

Crossing the vast seas – the prairie of the water – was no easy trek. As the ships sailed the oceans, who knows what wind and rain they would face?

For the Strong, the Rugged, the Brave

In the "new world," particularly the one of my native earthly homeland, America, it was not enough for some of the colonists to remain on the eastern seaboard. In those early days, too, there were bold and courageous adventurers. And as the East crowded in population, the call to go west was heard, the challenge accepted.

But, the movement westward, too, was no easy trek. What was awaiting those early pioneers in the region beyond the Mississippi River? Would it be easy crossing the Rockies? What perils would they face in crossing those prairies?

As a ship at sea would get lost beyond the waves, so a prairie schooner – ship of the desert – could "drown" on the prairie. Some of those making the trip were not strong – their spirit may have been willing, but their flesh was weak. Only the strong and rugged and brave could meet the challenge of the prairie; the old West was a wild country, and lawless.

The Native Americans ("Indians," so named by the first sea voyagers, thinking that they had discovered a new route to India) went into the prairie being so pushed by the white settlers after they found the western world and claimed it for themselves.

Indian wars were then a peril the settlers had to combat. There was the danger of buffalo stampedes and prairie fires; perhaps such ignited by the Indians as an attempt to discourage the westward movement. It was a struggle of man against nature; man against beast; and even man against man. Such so expressed in James Fenimore Cooper's novel The Prairie.

When Facing Perils

Though a matter of "survival of the fittest," crossing the vast prairies of this great land was not an impossible trek. It was indeed for the strong and courageous. Neither is outer space impossible to explore; man has already set foot on the moon, and have sailed to the edge of the universe. This great earth and the far reaches of outer and inner space (the ocean depths) all came into being at God's spoken command. (Read the Bible at Genesis 1-2; John 1:1-5, 14; Colossians 1:15-20.)

The prairies – of lands and seas, and outer space – all conquerable, yet too all are equally dangerous. They all have their perils, yet a challenge to the rugged and adventurous. Perhaps it's not a challenge for the faint-hearted to answer, but for the strong.

There is yet another prairie, and that is the prairie of life, and there are perils too we come upon in trekking through life's meadow. Such, however, is overcome and have been so, through the Lord Jesus, the Christ (Messiah). He has said that in this world – in this time – we will experience troubles and trials and perils. "Be of good cheer," Jesus encourages. He has overcome the world.

(For further reflection read in the Bible at John 14:27; 16:32-38; 1 John 4:4; James 1:2-8.)

This may also be viewed at Hub Pages

Wednesday, August 4, 2021

A Total ‘Nother World

The coming of the year 2016 had also begun a new era for me along my life journey; America was heading down the better road, under our new executive administration. Yet the politically radical left continually worked through those four years plus, trying to remove that administration from office, but to no avail. Yet they continued at their shammed scheme, harboring wrong motives for America.

But then they did it, in cheating ways, and had stolen the 2020 election, intent as I’ve heard with ideas to move us toward socialism, Marxism, communism; so wrong for any nation. May it not happen; may we return to our founding—on biblical principles and conservative values, that we may know what it’s truly like to be “one nation under God”

Other nations, having gone through socialism, so warns America not to let it happen to us; such only destroys the freedom and individual rights of the people. I feel America has climbed a slippery slope overlooking the edge of a cliff. Never having been a world traveler, nor having taken an exotic ocean voyage—never having the wealth, hence or any desire to do so—my heart cries for America these days, my mortal native homeland.

And then the worse yet comes, the worldwide CCP Covid pandemic. And, too, the wearing of masks (not so essential in my thinking), the “planet of the apes” had become a reality.

Recalling it all, perhaps in human’s eyes it’s a time when good went bad: Lockdowns, shutdowns happened worldwide; stay at home became the norm; “social distancing” a new term; businesses closed; churches emptied. Yet, in gradually coming back churches still spaced in attendance and seating.

Through all the happenings, since then, particularly since 2016, this world has become a total 'nother[1] world, daily worsening with the ever “breaking news.” And I more realizing the two worlds as predicted I would realize someday—the temporal (mortal) world of humanity and the eternal (immortal) world of the Kingdom of God. 

Since then as well, a strange (maybe weird) sense had been harboring in my mind. More and more these days, hearing/viewing stories of the making up news media, I can’t help but think that this temporal (mortal) world is nearing its end—being “stored up for fire”[2].

The things of this mortal world—other than the ideas of the immortal—do indeed have little or no meaning to me now. And such in particular TV, movies, and sports; I was into such I’m sure too much of my growing-up years.  Even long-distance travel does not appeal to me so much anymore. (The one trip I most desire and look forward to now is my upper taking—individually or corporately—when I will meet Jesus (Yeshua) in the air[3]. What a glorious day that will be!)

Although such stuff—TV, movies, sports, big tech, wealth, possessions, careers, etc—is of man’s initiative it has come about through humanity’s understanding of our omniscient[4] God—the true scientist and the bringer in of all “science” and technology, to be used and enjoyed for our pleasure and God’s glory.

Hence, these days it’s indeed as living in two worlds as if I’m trekking down two roads running parallel to one another. And one lane shows off its wares making it more attractive than the other. Commandeered by the evil one, much of it promotes his schemes and distracts viewers and participants from the truer meaning for our purpose in this mortal time on planet Earth. But what’s the sense of it all, if it’s just to ease one’s manner of living, primarily through his/her later years until their passing, and a making of the way better for the next generation as if there's no end to the physical mortal timeline? (See Proverbs 27:1; Luke 12:18-21; James 4:13-15.)

Having trusted in Jesus, He assures me that I’m the better off traveling down the other road, the everlasting highway, the way to “better living” for all generations—see 2 Corinthians 5:19-21.

A “total ‘nother world”? But it’s of the temporal realm; with eternity’s values in view, how can I think only temporally anymore? Now, until the Lord’s return, may it be my one ambition laboring in prayer and speaking the Truth (John 14:6), that we (and all nations) get back to our founding and be a light bearer and salt spreader of God’s love, grace, and peace, sharing the Good News, anticipating our expectant Hope: Come, Lord Jesus[5] (Adonai Yeshua).

[1] Nonstandard spelling of another (determiner), used to represent speech.

“nother thing just occurred to me”

[2] Consider 2 Peter 3:6-8

[3] 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17

[4] All-knowing; knowing everything

[5] Revelation 22:7-21