My Lemonade Stand
“When the world gives you lemons, make lemonade." Perhaps we could say the same about “sour grapes,” or “sour apples” – we’re to make grape juice, or apple juice, a better taste.
Biblically speaking, as well, we read how God had brought everything into being, at His spoken command, and all was very good. But then comes Genesis chapter three (see Our Daily Bread for 06/22/2019), and along comes Satan and sours it all, through his deceptive crafty and cunning ways. He may make it look pleasing to the eye at the start, but in the final end, it’s nothing good.
But God (Elohim) – the Almighty Three-in-One Creator – worked His plan of restoration, refinishing, restoring, and renewing. He did it by becoming one of us in the person of Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah). He did so to show us the real more purposeful way to live, through His death on the cross and resurrection from the tomb where He was buried. (See 1 Corinthians 15:5-6.) He ascended back to His Father from where in the fulfillment of the days He will come to earth again to reign forever as King of all kings. (See John 14:1-7.)
It’s all recorded in God’s Word the Holy Bible. Satan may have given the world lemons, but God has taken those lemons and made lemonade – a better taste, a better way of living.
I, for one, have tasted of His lemonade, receiving Jesus (Yeshua) into my life as my Savior and Lord. (See John 1:12-13.) And so, desiring to share this better way of living with others, perhaps as a child would do in his front yard, I have established my own lemonade stand sharing posts of good taste for Christ's cause.
“Oh, taste and see that the
To read my testimony go to My Story: Two Worlds Crossed My Path