A self-employed endeavor...

Being so blessed by God, the Almighty three-in-one creator, to share Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah), prayerfully, this blog is a self-employed effort for God's glory, aim to bless, challenge, and encourage readers of these posts to share Jesus, the way, the truth, and life. Only should the Lord so lead, readers can support this endeavor by clicking PayPal. Thank you.

Today's Bible Verse

Thursday, March 4, 2021

Glimpses of My Life Journey (A Trailer)

Late in Life

These late years (2016 thru 2020) have been hard times for me—not the best of times—experiencing the happenings in our nation and then the covid thing worldwide. Going through these days in my aloneness hasn’t helped much either in relieving the tension, as well as cloudy rainy days. (I’m looking forward to my move back into Pine View apartments on the campus of Columbia International University.)


Through these years it seems like we’ve all been trekking along the bumpy rough 2016 highway; for four years plus the nation has been experiencing that impeachment sham, and then the covid pandemic worldwide,  then the stolen election, and all that has been built up by the previous administration for the "Making America Great Again", is now being torn down by the illegitimate executive administration to attempt to make us something different other than as we were founded on biblical principles. No wonder I sense, as difficult as that may be humanly thinking, that the end of this mortal time is nearer than ever before. I don’t think others see it as I. And even it’s interesting to me how I see things these days—from an eternal perspective. As I drive about, noticing all the structures and such—buildings, highways, etc.—it all comes across to me as MANufractured artifices, nothing that will last(Consider 2 Peter 3:6-8.) And trash is thrown everywhere seemingly moreso than ever before.

And I can’t help it, the realization of the end times. Two worlds (roads, realities) crossed my path, and praise God, I chose the one less traveled by, and that made all the difference. To live life simply for the frivolousness of this temporal time—career seeking, fortune building, etc.—is meaningless. (Consider Ecclesiastes 1:1-11.) I’m sure glad there is more to life than this mortal temporal time. Come, Lord Jesus.


Early in Life

Some years before I’d experienced the “highway 2016” roughness, I ventured out West to begin my “employment” (in ministry) with the then U.S. for World Mission. On very little support I went—just $50 a month—nevertheless I guess I was sent anyway with the church’s blessing. I went out by bus and came back by bus 15 years later.


Back in Columbia, I was employed until mid-2008 and then unemployed. And then what was termed “retirement,” even though I haven’t been ready (financially) to do such a thing. (Other employment still is necessary, at least part-time.)


Possibly another misstep

Nevertheless, considering retirement, what is the average amount of savings one should have to do such a thing? I guess that depends on the individual how much he/she wants when they’re ready to relax and give up their laboring days. But I’m sure, certainly more than $5000, eh? To my shame, I guess, but I have less than $5000 in savings. Not good I think. How can that be enough for me to enjoy those so-called “golden years”? 

Ah, for me, I had been unfaithful, I think, in handling God’s finances (His treasure) with which He entrusted me. (Consider Mark 12:41-44. The Life Application Study Bible notes, [brackets mine] "... As believers, we should consider increasing our giving--whether money [treasure], time, or talents--to a point beyond convenience or calculation.")


The lessons learned

That being said, in handling it all now, finances are tight, but I am somewhat managing better (and I do give). But I’m not doing so well particularly in grocery shopping--not a favorite activity of mine--not having enough for groceries to last sufficiently through a month. Not interested in cooking just for myself, I just do the simplest thing and primarily microwaveable. (Perhaps my “mealtimes” can be termed simply as “nibbling,” just a bit here and a bit there.)



My being transient most of my life, I never had a home of my own—always renting somewhere. I never had an abundance of anything of much value—possessions or wealth—growing up and even now. (And some of what I do have or did, have been given to me.) As I put it: I have very little of nothing and not much of everything. In visiting others' homes I’m awed (but not envious) of the stuff/furnishings they have. Wow! But in not having lots of stuff, my moving out, and moving into another place makes it that much easier. And thus, having little is possibly a blessing, as it keeps me conscious that God is my provider—as “He so feeds the birds,” Matthew 6:26. As God says, “Do not worry [nor be anxious],” Matthew 6:25-34,  even with my little. Yet, how easy it is for one, with an abundance of wealth and possessions not to worry than for one with not so much wealth or possessions.


And yet, as mentioned, I’ll soon be moving again back into Pine View Apartments, being once again on the C.I.U. campus and desirably to remain until my upper taking. Pine View is better for me I believe.  And then perhaps once settled in maybe God will/still/could have some other even part-time employment for me; I trust God for that to be if He so wills.



Summing up

From Ohio, God brought me out of my old life (a wilderness without Jesus), and roundabout my transient life, God brought me to Columbia, South Carolina, particularly to Bible college where my life has been transformed. Perhaps I can consider my coming to Bible college my mortal  “Promised Land,” anticipating my upper taking in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,” (1 Corinthians 15:51-53). What will that be like? 

Come, Lord Jesus. Until then, as mentioned, I can’t see how I can live my life now simply for the frivolousness of this temporal time; I’m mortally here (as all of God’s children) as a salt-spreader and light bearer of God’s eternal truth,  through whatever employment God may yet have for me. (Consider Matthew 5:12-14.)

Read the full feature at My Life Story.

Monday, March 1, 2021

A Worthy Occupation

 God's Word is precious, like nuggets of pure gold (See Proverbs 2:1-5). Through the Word of God, we can understand where we have come from, why we are here, and where we are going. Through God's Word also we can understand God's will for our lives in this time and for all the 'nations' (peoples) of planet Earth.

Through imagination travel back with me now before time was when nothing existed except God alone. God then spoke, and the universe and its vast array came into being, and thus also began time.

Then God made man, sculpturing them, male and female, from the dust of the ground. God breathed into them the breath of life; man became a living soul, created in God's own image. God commanded the man to "be fruitful and increase in number." He also gave man dominion over the rest of creation (See Genesis 1:28).

God then entrusted man with the responsibility of caring for His creation, placing the man and the woman in the Garden of Eden (somewhere between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers, present-day Iraq) to work it and take care of it (See Genesis 2:15).

But the serpent was also in the Garden, filled with all the evil intents of that one who was cast out of Heaven because of arrogance and pride, desirous to exalt himself even above its Creator (See Isaiah 14:12-14).

Being deceived by that serpent, man betrayed God and shunned his responsibility (See Genesis 3), plunging the entire human race into rebellion against God. As a result, a great gulf was fixed, separating God and mankind to this day, that gulf incapable of being bridged through any human effort whatsoever.

God still loved His human creatures, however (See Genesis 3:21), and began His work -- His one 
pursuit -- to woo them back to Himself. Eventually, God would give them a second chance with the coming of the second Adam, Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah), the only "bridge" capable of spanning that "great divide." (See Romans 5:10-21; 1 Corinthians 15:12-34.)

Fast-forwarding, we come to the New Testament era, where we see Jesus at Jericho (in the nation of Israel north of the Dead Sea, east of Jerusalem and Bethany). Through one of His parables, Jesus teaches us that God has once again given man a trust. (See Luke 19:11-27; Matthew 25:14-30; John 9:4, 5.) As it is with God, so it is to be our one pursuit -- faithfully laboring at it until Christ returns -- that the 'nations' may be saved and come to the knowledge of the Truth (See 1 Timothy 2:4)

It's our heavenly work on Earth, more precious than gold, or any earthly ambition, not merely "wood, hay, and straw" (See 1 Corinthians 3:12). Such will all perish with the perishing of time. It is, therefore, "required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful" (1 Corinthians 4:2).

We once more fast-forward, to the year of our Lord, A.D. 1900, and meet one such faithful steward -- Amy Carmichael. Her obedience to God's command led to the founding of Dohnavur Fellowship in southern India.

At Dohnavur Amy saw the need: young girls were sold as temple prostitutes to be "married to the gods," and later made available to Hindu men frequently appearing at the temple.

Moved with compassion at what she saw, Amy embraced her calling ("putting her hand to the plow," Luke 9:62) and never looked back. Laboring faithfully for over 50 years, children were rescued from an empty life (See 1 Peter 1:18-21) and led to a new life of purpose in Jesus Christ. (See John 10:10b)

By twelve years into Amy's work, 130 children were cared for at Dohnavur. Amy faithfully pursued her God-given trust.

Today God waits for other "Amys," and "Aarons," to realize their precious labor -- that one occupation worthy of their lifelong pursuit. He listens for that sincere cry of the heart, answering the call of Isaiah, "Here am I. Send me!" (Isaiah 6:8).

Coming next month A More Secure Trust

Impressions From The Heart is a self-employed endeavor for the glory of God. If readers of these posts are blessed, challenged, and encouraged to share their faith, thank you for your support via PayPal