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Being so blessed by God, the Almighty three-in-one creator, to share Jesus (Yeshua), the Christ (Messiah), prayerfully, this blog is a self-employed effort for God's glory, aim to bless, challenge, and encourage readers of these posts to share Jesus, the way, the truth, and life. Only should the Lord so lead, readers can support this endeavor by clicking PayPal. Thank you.

Today's Bible Verse

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

Arise America

Wow, I don’t know if I have ever been so into, so concerned, about a presidential and legislature election in the past as I have been this year. Shame on me that I haven’t, as I believe the Church should have always been a voice in government and in politics. Shame on the Church for being the “silent majority.” (Perhaps that’s the reason why America is in trouble these days.) Praise God for raising up Faith & Freedom Coalition, who is “giving Christians a voice in government.”

This most crucial election of all time isn’t over; it does indeed matter who gets into office. It’s a spiritual warfare—the evil left (following the ways of the devil) vs the more biblical right side—they be following more closely the ways of our founding fathers’ who have established us on biblical principles. As Faith & Freedom writes, “Now we must gear up for the days ahead… battles against unhinged Leftists who are out to destroy our republic; battles to correct the fake news media who literally lie about everything; and battles to save America as the “land of the free” for [our] children and grandchildren.”

As long as the Lord so tarries, it’s not too late for the fight to save our native mortal homeland. As Paul in the Bible writes to the Ephesians, In all circumstances…” (Ephesians 6:16-18). And so let us gear up in battle array, taking the shield of faith… the sword of the Spirit… and praying at all times in the Spirit to save our country from those evildoers who have nothing good planned for our country, but evil intent only to tear us down.

The election isn’t over, as the Trump campaign writes, “Be aware [and be in prayer] of how important these next few days will be. Biden, Harris, and the FAKE NEWS media are all working together to convince the American People that President Trump has NO SHOT of winning this Election. Remember, if we let the Radical Left win, they will RAISE our taxes. They will cut critical police funding. They will KILL vital American energy jobs. They will open our borders to illegal immigrants. And they will appease SOCIALIST dictators.”

And so my daily prayer: Dear heavenly Father, believing that You brought President Trump into the White House for such a time as this (considering Isaiah 45) to expose the evil corruption that has been going on for years, give President Trump and Vice President Pence four more years, an understanding heart, and a deeper love for You dear God, so that can continue governing well our nation with Your help, dear Father. And I also pray that the Republicans will remain in control of the Senate. 

Restore us, heavenly Father, to our founding upon biblical principles that we for a time may be a light-bearer and salt-spreader to the world of Your grace, peace, and love, as You would have us to be, until the day of Your return, Lord Jesus (Adonai Yeshua), and You make all things new. In Your precious name, dear Jesus, I pray. Amen

Sunday, November 1, 2020

Recovering Eternal Values

 Continuing our "time travels" we find ourselves journeying with Abram through Canaan, God's promised land to him. We notice that both Abram and his nephew, Lot, are materially wealthy in flocks and herds and tents. Both Abram's possessions and Lot's are so great that the land cannot support them both. Quarreling rises between Abram's herdsmen and those of Lot. 

Displeased with the quarreling, Abram goes to Lot one day to discuss the matter. 

"Let's not have any more of this fighting between your men and mind," Abram says. "Let's separate. You go one direction; I'll go the other." (See Genesis 13:5-9.)

Lot looks over all the territory to the east, and then chooses for himself the "whole plain of the Jordan." He sees that it is well watered, like the garden of the LORD, like the land of Egypt." Perhaps seeing its potential for material prosperity, Lot then leaves Abram and lives among the cities of the plain near Sodom. But, the men there are wicked and sin greatly against God. (See Genesis 13:10-13.)

Abram, however, remains in Canaan and is refreshed with the promise of God: "Do you see all this land, Abram?" Showing Abram all of Canaan, God says, "I am giving it to you and your offspring." (See Genesis 13:14-15.)

Abram walks through the land, seeing only the potential of God's promise. At Hebron, he builds an altar and worships the LORD there." (See Genesis 13:18.) 

Then our time machine transports us to the New Testament times when Jesus trekked the Promised Land (Old Testament times, Canaan; for Jesus, Palestine; in the 21st Century, Israel). 

We look in on Him during one of His private times praying. His disciples are there with Him. 

Sharing with His disciples, Jesus predicts the kind of death He will die. He also teaches them, as the apostle Paul will later report to the Colossians, "Set your affections on things above, not on earthly things," (Colossians 3:1-3; cf. Matthew 6:33)

And as Jesus put it to His disciples (and to us), "Whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for me will find it" (Matthew 16:25). He goes on, asking them rhetorically, "What good will it be for a man if he gains the whole world, and forfeits his soul?" (Matthew 16:26) 

Swoosh! Our time machine now carries us away to the Year of our Lord 1860 and deposits us in England. Here we witness the birth of Charles Thomas Studd (C.T.Studd). We watch as he becomes an expert cricket player at the age of 16, yet later "loses his life only to find it" in service for the cause of Christ. 

C.T.'s father is a wealthy Englishman, whose life has been radically changed since he received Christ at a D.L. Moody campaign. He persistently witnesses to his three sons until seeing their conversion to Christianity. 

In his youth, however, C.T. strays from his faith. But, then, at a Moody campaign, he rededicates his life to God. And, like his father, he zealously pursues the task God has prepared for him to do, sacrificing wealth and prestige for the more worthy goal of making Christ known. Giving up a half-million-dollar inheritance -- recovering eternal values -- he chooses rather to live by faith. 

C.T. Studd, with his wife Priscilla, first serves in China with the China Inland Mission (now OMF International). Priscilla works among the women, while C.T. with opium addicts. Their ministry in China, though just 10 years, is nevertheless productive for Christ's Kingdom among the Chinese. C.T. also serves the Savior in India and Africa. In later years he is instrumental in the founding of the Worldwide Evangelization Crusade (now WEC International). 

In July 1931, C.T. Studd passes from the physical realm into the eternal presence of his Lord. His last spoken word is "Hallelujah!" 

Today God continues His search for other "C.T.s and Priscillas," who are willing to risk wealth and fame for the nobler ambition of making Christ known among the 'nations' (peoples of the world)

For further reflection, consider--
Genesis 13:5-18
Matthew 16:21-28
Mark 8:31-9:1
Luke 9:22-27
Colossians 3:1-17
Hebrews 11:6-10

Coming next month In the World But Not of It

Impressions From The Heart is a self-employed endeavor for the glory of God. If readers of these posts are blessed, challenged, and encouraged to share their faith, thank you for your support via PayPal

The End of an Era

 Continued from A Good Neighbor

The Departure of Abraham; the Rise of Isaac

Once again journey with me back in time to the Biblical days Abraham, in particular, we are reading the Bible at Genesis 25:1-18. Abraham is well advanced in years; his time for departure from this earthly temporal realm is near. The era that commenced with him, however (see Genesis 12:1-3), continues on to this day and beyond (see Acts 1:6-8).

At a “ripe old age” Abraham remarries – a concubine (see 1 Chronicles 1:32-33) whose name is Keturah. Through her Abraham fathers six sons: Zimran, and his five brothers – JokshanMedanMidianIshbak, and Shuah.

But to Isaac, Abraham’s principle heir – son of his first wife, Sarah – will go "all of Abraham’s property and authority", from the Life Application Study Bible. To the other sons and grandson, however, and to Keturah, many other gifts from Abraham are given.

Abraham then dies having lived for 175 years. “His sons Isaac and Ishmael bury him in the cave of Machpelah, near Mamre, in the field of Ephron the son of Zohar the Hittite … where he had buried his wife Sarah” (Genesis 25:9-10; cf. Genesis 24:17-20). Ishmael’s years numbered 137 then he too breathed his last, and joined his ancestors.

God’s blessing to Abraham is passed on to Isaac, who settles in Beer-lahai-roi in the Negev.


The Era Moving Forward

Let us fast forward now to the first century A.D. in particular to the year of our Lord A.D. 30. We are reading in the Bible at Matthew 27:45-56, 28:1-7, 16-20.

God had come to earth as a man (see John 1:1-5, 10-14) in the person of Jesus, the Christ (Messiah) around 6 or 4 B.C. Jesus begins His public ministry around 30 years of age proclaiming the blessing of Abraham (see Galatians 3:14-15), which is for all generations.

“He came to His own people, and even they rejected Him” (John 1:11). Finally, He is tried. During His trial, He is mocked and ridiculed, and accusations are made against Him. At last, the people cry out, “Crucify Him!” (Matthew 27:22), asking that Barabbas be released instead (see Matthew 27:21).

Though nothing is found against Jesus He is hung on a cross where He dies. Three days later the borrowed tomb where His body is laid is found empty. Early on that third day, the two Marys go to visit the tomb (see Matthew 28:1). Finding the stone rolled away and Jesus’ body gone, fearfully they wonder what had happened. “Don’t be afraid,” the angel said to the women, “I know you are looking for Jesus…. He isn’t here! He has risen from the dead. Just as He said would happen. (Matthew 28:5-6)

“Now go and tell his disciples,” the angel said to them (see Matthew 28:7). “Tell them to go to Galilee; they will see him there.” At Galilee Jesus meets with His disciples one last time on earth. He issued His Great Commission, for the era to move forward: “Go and make disciples of all the nations [peoples]” (see Matthew 28:19).

Consider further, read The Blessing of Abraham

Continuing Through Time

From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya
Fast-forwarding now further through time we come to the late 17th century. The year is A.D.1690; the place, Moravia, and we witness the birth of a boy to a devout Roman Catholic family. He is Christian David. Through his youth, he, too, is devoted to Roman Catholicism – zealous in observing rituals, holidays, and adoring the Virgin Mary.

In growing up however he searches to find more meaning to his life, not finding it totally in Roman Catholicism, or among Lutherans, or even among Jews. Traveling about – from Moravia – he searches for the truth. He finds it in the Bible, recognizing Jesus as the promised Messiah.

Traveling about David meets hundreds of persecuted Christians, longing for a refuge. That stored in his heart he shares with Count Zinzendorf and together they establish Herrnhut.

Married at the age of 27 and encouraged by his wife, Anna, “he becomes a traveling lay preacher,” Ruth A. Tucker, From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya. Also, Tucker writes that other than Count Zinzendorf, David, too, is most involved in forming the Moravian church.

Johan HörnerHans Egede, c. 1745,
Danish Museum of National History
Eager for work in evangelism, he is commissioned, along with other Moravian Christ-followers, and sent as missionaries to Greenland. There, in meeting with Lutheran missionary Hans Egede, they work side-by-side proclaiming God’s Good News, which is for all generations – The Blessing of Abraham (see Galatians 3:14-29).

For more on Christian David and Hans Egede read
Ruth A. Tucker’s From Jerusalem to Irian Jaya.

Coming next month Laborers Together

Impressions From The Heart is a self-employed endeavor for the glory of God. If readers of these posts are blessed, challenged, and encouraged to share their faith, thank you for your support via PayPal