Wow, I don’t know if I have ever been so into, so
concerned, about a presidential and legislature election in the past as I have
been this year. Shame on me that I
haven’t, as I believe the Church should have always been a voice in government
and in politics. Shame on the Church for being the “silent majority.”
(Perhaps that’s the reason why America is in trouble these days.) Praise God
for raising up Faith & Freedom Coalition,
who is “giving Christians a voice in government.”
This most crucial election of all time isn’t over; it does indeed matter who gets into office. It’s a spiritual warfare—the evil left (following the ways of the devil) vs the more biblical right side—they be following more closely the ways of our founding fathers’ who have established us on biblical principles. As Faith & Freedom writes, “Now we must gear up for the days ahead… battles against unhinged Leftists who are out to destroy our republic; battles to correct the fake news media who literally lie about everything; and battles to save America as the “land of the free” for [our] children and grandchildren.”
As long as the Lord so tarries, it’s not too late for the fight to save our native mortal homeland. As Paul in the Bible writes to the Ephesians, “In all circumstances…” (Ephesians 6:16-18). And so let us gear up in battle array, taking the shield of faith… the sword of the Spirit… and praying at all times in the Spirit to save our country from those evildoers who have nothing good planned for our country, but evil intent only to tear us down.
The election isn’t over, as the Trump campaign
writes, “Be aware [and be in prayer] of how important these next few days will
be. Biden, Harris, and the FAKE NEWS media are all working together to convince
the American People that President Trump has NO SHOT of winning this
Election. Remember, if we let the Radical Left win, they will RAISE our
taxes. They will cut critical police funding. They will KILL vital American
energy jobs. They will open our borders to illegal immigrants. And they will
appease SOCIALIST dictators.”
And so my daily prayer: Dear heavenly Father, believing that You brought President Trump into the White House for such a time as this (considering Isaiah 45) to expose the evil corruption that has been going on for years, give President Trump and Vice President Pence four more years, an understanding heart, and a deeper love for You dear God, so that can continue governing well our nation with Your help, dear Father. And I also pray that the Republicans will remain in control of the Senate.
Restore us, heavenly Father, to our founding upon biblical principles that we for a time may be a light-bearer and salt-spreader to the world of Your grace, peace, and love, as You would have us to be, until the day of Your return, Lord Jesus (Adonai Yeshua), and You make all things new. In Your precious name, dear Jesus, I pray. Amen