Abram returns from battle victorious.
One night God speaks to Abram in a vision, calming his fears. (See Genesis chapter 15.)
“Don’t be afraid, Abram,” God says. “I am your shield, your very great reward" (Genesis 15:1; cf. Deuteronomy 33:29; Psalm 3:3)
“O, LORD God, what can you give me”? Abram asks. “Since I have no children, a servant in my own household will surely be my heir.”
“This man will not be your heir,” God assures. “Your heir will indeed come from your own body.”
Leading Abram outside, God says. “Look up to the heavens and see if you can count the stars. So shall your offspring be.”
Gazing toward the heavens, noticing the starry host, Abram then puts his trust in God, and it is credited to him as righteousness. (See Psalm 106:31; Romans 4:3, 9, 22; Galatians 3:6.)
God also says to Abram, “I brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans to give you this land," (Genesis 15:7).
But Abram asks again, “O Sovereign LORD, how can I know?” (Genesis 15:8)
We’ll discover God’s answer to this question next time, until then, however, continue through the rest Genesis chapter 15.
But now, we zoom centuries ahead to the New Testament era (in the Bible at John 9) where we see Jesus encouraging a man who was born blind.
After Jesus opens the blind man’s eyes, the man is seen among his Jewish neighbors, the Pharisees, and his own parents. They are all amazed, but still not convinced that Jesus was sent from God.
They ask Jesus about the man born blind, “Who sinned? This man or his parents?”
“Neither,” Jesus answers, “But that the work of God might be performed in him.”
Again and again, the Jews ask the man about Jesus. But the man continually responds, finally answering, “Whether or not He is a sinner, I don’t know. One thing I do know. Once I was blind. Now I see.” (John 9:25)
The argument continues. Finally, the Jews, themselves blinded by their own righteousness and stubborn heart, they put the man born blind out of the synagogue.
Hearing of it, Jesus finds the man and welcomes him. “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Jesus asks. “You have seen Him. He is the one speaking with you now.” The man born blind then believed [putting his trust in Jesus], and worshiped Him.
Continuing our travel through time, we meet George Boardman, born February 8, 1801, in Livermore, Maine (northeast United States). Ordained a Baptist pastor on February 16, 1825, he marries Sarah Hall on July 4 of the same year. Putting their trust in God, the Boardmans then set sail for Burma (present-day Myanmar) 12 days later.
After some time in Burma, the Boardmans leave the comfort of the mission confines of Mauhnain. Moving to Tavoy, they begin a work among the Karen people, testifying before the Karens the life of Jesus, the Christ (Messiah).
With the Boardmans is a Karen man named Ko Tha Byu. Having received Jesus Christ, through their witness, he is born again, spiritually, to a new life of hope. (See John 3:3-6.) Discovering the real life, and purposeful, he is then a great help to the Boardmans, ministering among his own people.
George Boardman’s service in Burma, as well as his life, is short. He dies on February 11, 1831.
Before his death, however, 57 Karen people are baptized, confessing their faith in Jesus, turning from their sinful lifestyle; the Karen church in Tavoy totals 70 members. In the years following George Boardman’s death, Ko Tha Byu becomes a zealous evangelist among his people.
God continues His search today for other “George and Sarah Boardmans,” who will also, having put their trust in God, do exploits for His glory and Christ’s Kingdom on earth.
For further reflection: Genesis 15:1-6; John 9; Romans 4; 9:7-8 (cf. John 1:13); Galatians 3:6-9; James 2:14-26
For more on George and Sarah Boardman consider Boardman of Burma: A Biography
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