“But when the time had fully come [some 2000 years ago], God sent His Son, born of a woman, born under law, to redeem those under law, that we might receive the full rights of sons”
(see Galatians 4:4-5; cf. Mark 1:15; Romans 5:6; Ephesians 1:10).
Shepherds listened to the herald angels singing; the Good News of great joy for all the peoples, they're bringing! "A Savior has been given to you – Christ, the Lord!" (see Luke 2:11) Then, once seeing Him, they go around spreading the word about Him. All are amazed when they hear.
Magi (royal astrologers), too, came from far across the desert sand following the star they had seen in the East. They arrived in Jerusalem and inquired of the one who was born king of the Jews. To Bethlehem their journey concluded, the star looming brightly over the house where the Child was, with Mary His mother. Overjoyed when finally seeing Him, they bowed down and worshiped Him and presented their treasures – their gifts to Him – of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
Yet, He had been born to die, from the manger to the cross, paying the price in full for the sins of all – from the poor as the shepherds to the wealthy, as the Magi – bloodying a rugged cross on a hill, paying the price in full for all of humanity, made effective to those who believe, receiving Jesus as Lord.
He was buried in a borrowed grave! But he didn’t stay there. On the third day, as the Scriptures had promised, he rose from the dead. With the grave empty (of Jesus’ body, the clothes that wrapped Him remained) He appeared first to Peter, then to the Twelve, and then to more than 500 others at the same time—such strong evidence indeed of Jesus' resurrection from the dead.
Then, as his disciples stood watching Him ascend into the sky, returning to his Father, two men in white apparel appeared with them, and spoke, “This same Jesus, as you see him go into the heavens, will so come again in like manner, at the Father's will.”
Until then, as Jesus has commanded his disciples (and us), we're to proclaim this good news, like a shining beacon of God's glorious truth to all peoples of the earth.
Coming next month A Sight of Wondrous Beauty I See.
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