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Today's Bible Verse

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Breaking Away From the Human Rush

Time rushes on

"Time is running out!" Something like that has been said, or read, at one time or another. I’m sure. But are there not 24 hours to a day? And at least a third of those hours are spent counting “Zs.” Thus there remain two-thirds of the day to get it done.
Hmm, let us try this thought on for size: perhaps if we can’t get it done during our waking hours, we could be spending too much time sleeping, or on the nonessential and trivial. Or perhaps, also, we may be “worried and upset about many other things,” as was Martha. “Only one thing is needed,” Jesus said (See Luke 10:38-42).

Time! It no longer marches on; it rushes on! And we all I'm sure are caught up in it no matter where we're at or what we do or who we are. Time waits for no man, woman, or child.
Ever tried to imagine a world without time? It’s practically an impossible thing to do, isn’t it? Imagine, for instance, a football game, or such, without a clock. Probably it would spell for certain disaster for one team and a glorious eternity for the other.
The rise and fall of the many overnight commercial carriers and that seemingly overnight has done little to slow down the rush of time. They cater to the demands of the “now” generation.
Indeed, today’s “hurry-up-and-get-it-done-yesterday" world doesn’t leave us much time to ponder a task. So often we think that we must get it done, or there, “A.S.A.P.”Today is an age when almost everything going across the country (or anywhere for that matter) “absolutely, positively has to be there overnight,” or even in a matter of minutes.
Today is the jet age. But if jets are too slow, we can indeed “Fax it” there; it’s just a phone call away. And today, with that mobile devise carried on the hip or in a purse, “texting” is even faster. Wherever we are we can simply whip out the wireless and let our fingers fly across the keyboard (but I hope not while driving), composing that "precious" message for whomever, across the nation or the sea, to as many people perhaps as on our contact list.
Today is a time where the words "express" or "rush" is not uncommon words since we needed yesterday.
Ours is an instant society, with its instant potatoes, instant gravy, instant putting, instant coffee, and, yes, even instant grits. (Imagine that.) We may rush off to work and rush through our job so that we can rush home to “prepare” dinner in the microwave. Then it’s time for a moment of leisure. But we miss it. (Or do we?) We lounge back in that recliner for a quiet evening of television, and generally, we may wind up dozing even through the 11:00 news.
Having then slept through the late night movie, we stagger to the bedroom to spend the rest of the night (or perhaps morning) in bed. We rise just in time for our instant breakfast and another rushing day.
In our rush to beat the morning rush hour, we may find that we get caught in the rush of bumper-to-bumper freeway traffic. And then, our tempers, too, may waste no time to flair.
We finally arrive at work (in a huff, I might add). Slowly, we sort through the “To do” list, which gets longer by the minute. There’s just too much to do; for sure some can wait until tomorrow. But that’s what we said yesterday. (Ah-ha, the great procrastinator.) There’s just not enough time for all our demands, and there is much that demands our time. Whew! Already we’re exhausted. Where’s that coffee break? (Sigh.)

A call for calmer times

How often the busy-ness of our business and even our leisure deprives us of contemplating life’s calmer times, and our Creator—God. God created such gentler times for our pleasure and our leisure that we may learn how to more aptly reflect His image in a world that seems to thrive on time’s fleeting minutes. Or, to put it another way, in a world that enjoys “life in the fast lane.”
God does not hurry. He is patient; He works everything out in His own time, in His own way, and for His own purpose. At the same time, He never tarries[1]. How awesome that is -- everything is done decently and in order too. How mind-boggling! Why can’t I be like that?

Then, in one of my fleeting minutes a still small voice, causing me to be still, just for a moment, whispers, reminding me, “You can, my son. I made you. Remember? I sculptured you painstakingly, day by day, in my own image, with my own hand, for my own glory. You are my artistry, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which I have prepared for you to do. (See Ephesians 2:10.) But you must wait upon me with patience and perseverance, daily, and I will show you that work. In the meantime, content yourself with being all I want you to be.”
[1] Tarry is humankind’s word when referring to the return of the Lord. “If the Lord tarries…” we say, but only the Father knows the exact time when Jesus will return. Thus, emphasizing God’s patience: He is not willing that any should perish, but that all come to repentance. (See 2 Peter 3:9.)

A call for patience

Waiting is a difficult task in this day when nobody seems to have time for it anymore; sometimes we may think that we don’t even have time to wait for the WALK light to cross the street. When we least expect it, however, we often find us doing just that, waiting, and much too often impatiently.
We often have to wait in long lines at the supermarket. We notice the sign above, pointing out the store’s “customer courtesy policy—that if three customers are in line, we will open another checkout”—and we wonder if they’ve noticed it too. Then, finally, on our way, home our patience may run out at the guy in front of us sitting at a green light.
Patience is a virtue, a character quality God wants to build in us if we will only take the time to let Him.
God works all things out for our good and His glory to transform us to the likeness of His Son, not vice versa. But that’s the value of waiting—waiting for God’s timing, which is always perfect. As it is with the Father, so it is with the Son—to be patient. And it’s that character into which He desires to transform us.
With patience, therefore, we can break away from the human rush. In considering, you may want to consider some "practical" ideas for the practice of patience: (1) when the five o’clock whistle sounds, why not take the busiest freeway home and purposely get caught in that bumper-to-bumper traffic. Or (2) even travel in the far right, slower lane. Or better still take the surface streets. Or (3) why not cook the dinner in a crock-pot, rather than the microwave. Or (4) look for the longest line in the supermarket, rather than the shortest. And remember, God is there, too, waiting with us.
With creativity, ways to practice patience are endless. Of course, such practical (hmm) adventures will probably mean some prior planning. But what’s the value of it all? While we're waiting we'll have time to make a new friend, or pray, or memorize some of God’s Word or many other items on that ever-expanding “To do” list waiting to get done.
However, the most practical way to develop patience is to practice waiting upon God through His Word, day by day. It may mean that we don't doze at night in that recliner in front of the television. But instead get to bed at a reasonable hour, so that we can rise reasonably, perhaps even before the break of day.
It was Jesus’ custom, having to “escape” the press of the crowd occasionally to spend time with His Father. (See Matthew 14:23; Mark 1:35; Luke 5:16.)
When our first “Good morning” is to the Father, our other “Good mornings” can be said with more zest and meaning.
Only after time spent with our Father, acknowledging His presence, through our ever time-pressed day, can we soar on wings like eagles, run and not grow weary, and walk and not faint. (See Isaiah 40:31.)
As Jesus has said, gently admonishing Martha, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her,” Luke 10:38-42. Mary chose to rather sit at the feet of Jesus and listen to Him. Jesus also said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,” Matthew 11:28.
Only when we choose as Mary did, to sit at the feet of Jesus, will everything we do will be done decently and in order. We will see that there is enough time in our day to accomplish it all. Amazing.
Therefore, consider the words of the Apostle Paul to the Romans, according to J.B. Phillips, “Don’t let the world [around us] squeeze [us] into its mold” ( Romans 12:2.) and rush with the rush of time. That is, according to the words of the popular song of yesteryear: “Slow down, you’re moving to fast; gotta make the morning last …[1]”

Personally, when I purposely choose “what is better,” that one thing that is needed, I will learn of the one thing I am to do. As the apostle Paul has realized: “One thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus,” Philippians 3:12-13.
[1] Feeling Groovy, The 59th Street Bridge Song by Simon and Garfunkel, 1966

Sunday, November 11, 2018


Daybreak! The sun's golden rays beam over the eastern horizon.
Rising to a new day a thought also beamed through my mind: why not take a ride ‘round about those old familiar places; you have not done so in a while; see what they're like now; how have they changed, if they have.
Shortly beyond mid-morning, I did just that. I entered my car and headed out. Having lived in that city for several years (ah, maybe too long?), I knew my "whereabouts" (just about every nook and cranny), where I was going, cruising those familiar streets. I anticipated a walk through again a couple of shopping malls I hadn't been to in a while.

With the Passing of Time

Wow, was I impressed, or maybe depressed? It wasn't as I had remembered. The malls, once busily populated with shoppers. (Of course, it was early in the day and early in the week.) Nevertheless, those malls now were nearly half empty of stores; streets and sidewalks, too, as I'd noticed in driving about were in need of repair; fixtures along the highways weathered. (Understandably so, I guess, considering the passing of time.)
It being winter was not much help as well in impressing me with the "good things" of life —of what has been. Or, was it helpful after all in influencing me with the better things of God—what He had in store for me that day.
In a word, to describe it all, perhaps could be deterioration. Changes in process everywhere, not just in my city but all around the world, I'm sure. Stores move from one location to another, for more business—moving out of a lessened population, to where the crowds are.
Observing that day of what has been, the words of Jesus ran through my mind, "Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away," (Matthew 24:35; Luke 21:33).
Hence, in this time, I'm aware that nothing lasts forever, except people and the Word of God—the Good News proclaimed to the world to rescue people from the traps of this physical domain, the lures and deceptive snares of the evil one.

A Better Day Coming

Deterioration! But unlike what is to come in the last days, according to God's Word. But I can take heart, Jesus is "making all things new," no more deterioration, and better than "improvement": a whole new world.
But that day is yet to come— ah, oh glorious day, come. Until then, however, I can only attempt to imagine, as written in the Bible, "What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him," (1 Corinthians 2:9).
The Life Application Study Bible notes, "We cannot imagine all that God has in store for us, both in this life and for eternity. He will create a new heaven and new earth (Isaiah 65:17; Revelation 21: 1), and we will live with him forever."
Until then, perhaps many more trials and testings will come, and still further deterioration. And I'm sure there'll be a continued roaming about through this physical time. But, so journeying on, I must be careful not to give my days merely to worldly endeavors that have no real meaning and purpose. Nor let my attention focus on material wealth and possessions – jobs, career, profession; such is God’s provision for support laboring in the greater cause. (See Matthew 6:25-33.)
My wading through the murky, stagnant sea of this corrupt, dark, deteriorating world, I have realized a higher more purposeful ambition and call—rescuing people from the deterioration that is to come, that they may live their life anew in God's Kingdom of everlasting light, peace, and harmony.

Deterioration can also be read at Hub Pages.

All for the Love of a Cheese Twirl

A Sudden Urge

Suddenly it hit me – an urge for a doughnut, specifically a cheese twirl. Now really, I thought, I need a doughnut like a zebra needs stripes, an elephant a nose, or a giraffe a neck. Still, the urge was there. It was very real, and it wouldn’t go away no matter how hard I tried. Of course, I must confess, I didn’t try very hard. What’s even more maddening, I knew the whereabouts of a couple of doughnut shops nearby. Both were within easy walking distance. But only one of the two had cheese twirls, and wouldn’t you know it, it was the one farthest away.
Oh well, I’d hung around home all day anyway. The long walk would do me good. Some fresh air, you know, and a cheese twirl!
At last, I came to the end of my work. I quickly exited my small mobile home and stepped out briskly to begin my journey, all for the love of a cheese twirl. I did not know, however, God’s purpose for me taking a walk on that particular Saturday evening.

Not Exactly a Cheese Twirl

After about half a mile or so, I arrived at the doughnut shop. I spied the cheese twirls. But when I learned one cost 75 cents, my heart sunk. I didn’t bring that much money with me. So I had to settle for a chocolate bar instead (sigh).
Nevertheless, I purchased the chocolate bar and took my place at a table on the far side of the room and munched away. Mmm! The chocolate bar was good at that, even though it wasn’t a cheese twirl.
Shortly, my nose caught the odor of cigarette smoke wafting through the air. I turned in the direction of the smoke. A woman, sullen and downcast, was sitting at a table not far from me; her ashtray harvested cigarette butts. For a little while, neither of us spoke to one another, probably because neither of us knew one another. Then, too, I being of a quiet temperament, find conversation a somewhat difficult task.
Finally, she broke the silence between us. Dolefully she spoke, “Life sure is boring, isn’t it?”

A Fresh Urge

It was then my turn. “Well now, it all depends on who you know,” I said. “If you know Jesus,” I continued after a brief pause, “Life can be exciting.”
“Oh,” she responded, surprised.
I then asked her if she knew Jesus. She answered yes, to my surprise. She said she had come to know Him when she was about 15. But it was apparent that life’s circumstances had turned her heart sour, and she no longer experienced the joy of knowing Jesus personally.
As we continued our conversation I learned of her mother’s unexpected death two years before. A Bible with her very own name on it that her mother had given her was one of her most prized possessions. Though she had cherished it, in disgust one day after her mother’s death, she had torn it up. Now, however, she told me she wished she had not done so. She wished she still had the Bible her mother had given her.
Shortly, I left the doughnut shop. The woman thanked me for talking to her. I never did learn her name. Neither is it likely I’ll ever see her again, at least in this life. But I left her with a thought – Jesus.
As I exited the shop and started my journey home, I noticed darkness had already blanketed the sky. Suddenly a fresh urge hit me – not for chocolate bars this time or even cheese twirls, but for “food that endures to eternal life” (John 6:27, NIV.)